
Map of Solar Farms in California

map of solar farms in California

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Here are some of the largest solar farms in California, United States:

Solar Star Projects, Rosamond and Sun Village: Developed by SunPower and operated by Berkshire Hathaway Energy, the Solar Star Projects are located in Rosamond and Sun Village. With a combined capacity of 747 MW, it is one of the largest solar installations in the world. The projects cover a vast area of approximately 3,200 acres and consist of over 1.7 million solar panels.

Topaz Solar Farm, Carrizo Plain: Developed by First Solar, the Topaz Solar Farm has a capacity of 550 MW. It covers an area of around 4,700 acres and consists of over 9 million solar panels. The project is located in the Carrizo Plain of San Luis Obispo County.

Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, Desert Center: The Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, developed by First Solar and operated by NextEra Energy Resources, has a capacity of 550 MW. It covers approximately 3,800 acres and contains over 8.8 million solar panels. The project is located in the Chuckwalla Valley near Desert Center.

Springbok Solar Farm, Kern County: Developed by 8minute Solar Energy, the Springbok Solar Farm has a capacity of 350 MW. It spans an area of around 2,000 acres and consists of over 1.1 million solar panels. The project is situated in Kern County.

California Valley Solar Ranch (CVSR), San Luis Obispo County: Developed by NRG Energy and operated by SunPower, the CVSR has a capacity of 250 MW. It covers approximately 1,500 acres and contains over 748,000 solar panels.