
Map of Solar Farms in Colorado

map of solar farms in Colorado

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Here are some of the largest solar farms in Colorado:

Comanche Solar Project: Developed by Xcel Energy, the Comanche Solar Project is located near Pueblo, Colorado. It has a capacity of 120 MW and consists of approximately 450,000 solar panels. The project is adjacent to the Comanche Generating Station, a coal-fired power plant, and helps to offset some of its carbon emissions.

San Luis Valley Solar Ranch: Situated in Alamosa County, Colorado, the San Luis Valley Solar Ranch has a capacity of 110 MW. It covers an area of around 1,000 acres and features approximately 500,000 solar panels. The project was developed by juwi Renewable Energies and supplies clean energy to the local grid.

Cimarron Solar Facility: Developed by Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, the Cimarron Solar Facility is located near Elkhart, Colorado. It has a capacity of 30 MW and consists of around 240,000 solar panels. The project helps diversify Tri-State's energy portfolio, which primarily relies on coal and natural gas.

Twin Buttes Solar Facility: Located near Lamar, Colorado, the Twin Buttes Solar Facility has a capacity of 30 MW. It covers approximately 200 acres and features about 150,000 solar panels. The project was developed by juwi Renewable Energies and contributes to the state's renewable energy goals.